A HEaRTfelt hello to all of our hypnosis friends,
We’re writing this in January 2021. The world is still very much on assorted forms of lockdown and distancing and it’s no secret that the Covid-19 vaccine rollout will be taking months. Much as we would like to host an in-person conference this year, our scheduled date and so many ongoing uncertainties and obstacles make doing so impossible in 2021.
That’s right, it is with a still-heavy HEaRT that we’re cancelling our 2021 event. We are still intending to hold HEART in 2022. Regarding online offerings, as successful and enjoyable as the full online hypnocons we’ve attended have been, we don’t plan on doing anything that large-scale in 2021. However, we are contemplating and doing the initial planning for a few online intensive work-and-playshops this year, focusing on the mission and vibe we cultivated in our first HEaRT. So, please stay tuned for further news on these.
For those attendees who carried their registration over to 2021, we’ll be reaching out to you individually to make arrangements. We will also be updating our website to reflect the 2021 cancellation and upcoming plans.
Please know that we deliberated for a long time over this decision, and while it feels like the right one, it wasn’t an easy decision to make. We hope to see you around sooner rather than later. In the meantime, let’s continue to stay in touch, share what we can and continue keeping our passion for erotic trance and hypnosis moving in that compelling pendulum-like way.
Much love and respect from the HEaRT leadership team.
Wingate Hotel & Conference Center.
1209 N Interstate 35 Frontage Rd, Round Rock, TX1209 N Interstate 35 Frontage Rd, Round Rock, TX
Join us on Fetlife to watch for updates.
Texas Trancegressives
Hypnosis is to the
what the telephoto lens
is to the camera.